29 sept. 2011

Naval Air Station Sigonella

La base aérienne de Sigonella est une base de l'U.S. Navy située en Sicile près de Catane, un lieu hautement stratégique. Tripoli n'est qu'à trente-cinq minutes de vol.
La base accueille des soldats de la coalisions. Tous sont placés sous le commandement unifié de l'OTAN.  La France a déployer cinq Rafale sur la base de Sigonella, qui est deux fois plus proche de la Libye que la base de Solenzara en Corse.
Les Rafale sont équipés de nacelle Pod Reco-NG. Les donnée enregistrées sont transmises instantanément, puis exploitées en temps réel à Sigonella.

Depuis le 18 août 2011, un drone Harfang  de l’armée de l’Air Française est déployé sur la base aérienne de Sigonella, dans le cadre de l’opération Harmattan afin de mener des missions de reconnaissance. Piloté depuis la base de Sigonella le drone Harfang a réalisé son premier vol opérationnel le 24 août 2011.


Pod Reco-NG







HF-GCS  Sigonella

HF-GCS  IZC ALE ( 141A )

21 sept. 2011

Le Réseau Très Basse Altitude (RTBA)

Le RTBA est un ensemble de zones réglementées reliées entre elles, destiné aux vols d'entraînement à très basse altitude et très grande vitesse.
Les zones du RTBA sont activables en toutes conditions météorologiques et leur contournement est obligatoire pendant les périodes d'activation. Généralement les appareils de type chasseurs évoluent dans les zones RTBA en mode suivi de terrain automatique (SDT Auto). Les vitesses des chasseurs en zones RTBA peuvent dépasser les 900 km/h, les pilotes n’assurent pas la prévention des collisions avec d'autres avions, ballons dirigeables et ballons libres..
Les horaires d'activations possibles et les cartes sont diffusés chaque jour sur le site du SIA ICI

19 sept. 2011

Test d'urgence simulée SET

«Urgence simulée» (Simulated Emergency Test - SET) est un exercice en communication d'urgence qui s'effectue à la grandeur de l'Amérique du Nord. Il est organisé par l'ARRL, les coordonnateurs en urgence de RAC et les gestionnaires du réseau.  ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) et le NTS (National Traffic System) sont impliqués. La fin de semaine consacrée à «Urgence simulée» (SET) permet aux "communicateurs" de se concentrer sur les enjeux communautaires de la communication d'urgence en interrelation avec les réseaux NTS (National Traffic System). L'événement aura lieu le 15 octobre 2011.

Vous trouverez un complément d'informations  ICI Le plan des fréquences  ICI  

16 sept. 2011

Emergency Radio Communications ( 2 / 2 )

Les communications des Radioamateurs en cas de sinistre. C'est un réseau important souvent méconnu, plus de 2.6 millions de stations d'Amateur Radio à travers le monde. Ils ont souvent fourni les premières informations d'un sinistre et agi comme la seule liaison dans les régions habitées ainsi que les régions rurales et éloignées.

Suite de la liste des fréquences radio pour la saison des ouragans 2011-12

 6106.0   FEMA
 6215.0   Maritime calling and distress frequency
 6215.0   USCG calling/watchkeeping (simplex)
 6221.0   Caribbean Weather Center, 1330
 6224.0   Maritime simplex channel Ch. 6A
 6224.0   Cruiseheimer's Net (winter alt 1), dy 1230
 6227.0   Maritime simplex channel Ch. 6B
 6227.0   Cruiseheimer's Net (winter primary), dy 1230
 6230.0   Maritime simplex channel Ch. 6C
 6230.0   Cruiseheimer's Net (winter alt 2), dy 1230
 6264.3   Kodiak, AK, WX
 6312.0   International DSC Channel
 6314.0   (Sitor-B) USCG, Boston, MA, Atlantic at 0140
 6340.5   (Fax) USCG, Boston, MA, all scheduled hours
 6341.7   (Sitor-B) WLO, weather at 0345
 6456.0   (Fax) CF, Victoria, BC, 0245, 1025, 1515, and 2115
 6496.4   (Fax) CF, Halifax, NS, hourly charts, RTTY rest of hr.
 6501.0   USCG, SCN net duplex, ships call on 6200
 6501.0   USCG, NRV, Guam, Pacific WX 0930 1530
 6501.0   USCG, NMO, Honolulu, HI, Pacific WX 0600 1200
 6501.0   USCG, NOJ, Kodiak, AK, Pacific WX 0203 and 1645
 6501.0   USCG, NMN, Portsmouth, VA, Atlantic WX 0330, 0515, 0930,
                1115, 1530, 2130, and 2315
 6519.0   WLO, frequent wx broadcasts
 6577.0   MWARA CAR net
 6586.0   New York ATC
 6709.0   Tiscom (Mostly USCG use)
 6712.0   USAF HF-GCS alt
 6723.0   US Navy FACSFAC Jacksonville, FL "Sea Lord"(also 6742.0)
 6724.0   USAF HF-GCS alt
 6739.0   USAF HF-GCS Primary
 6742.0   US Navy FACSFAC Jacksonville, FL "Sea Lord"
 6773.0   (ALE) CAP Northeast Region (w/ M East, SE, SW)
 6785.0   US Army Corps Of Engineers
 6800.0   SHARES Coordination Network (Digital BBS)
 6803.1   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
 6806.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
 6809.0   FEMA "Foxtrot-21"
 6826.0   Army MARS
 6859.5   Red Cross F-95
 6870.0   FAA Southern Region
 6985.0   US Army Corps of Engineers ALE/USB VOICE
 6985.5   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
 6999.0   US Army MARS alternate guard fq
 7055.0   (LSB) Mexican Hurricane Net (Spanish)
 7060.0   (LSB) Mexican Health & Welfare (Spanish)
 7070.0   (LSB) Baja California N & S (Spanish)
 7073.0   (Olivia/MT63) West PA Emergency Nets digital
 7090.0   (LSB) Central America Emergency Net (Spanish)
 7096.0   (LSB) Bahamas Weather Net
 7105.0   (LSB) Cuban use in Michelle
 7110.0   (LSB) Cuba
 7145.0   (LSB) Bermuda
 7158.0   (LSB) Caribbean Net dy 0000
 7165.0   (LSB) Caribbean Inter-Island Watch Freq
 7225.0   (LSB) Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
 7228.0   (LSB) Kentucky
 7230.0   (LSB) SW US Traffic Net
 7232.0   (LSB) NC Emergency Net (Alt)
 7232.0   (LSB) Tar Heel Emergency Net (Alt)
 7235.0   (LSB) Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net
 7235.0   (LSB) Regional Emergency Hurricane Frequency
            ^ Louisiana Emergency Net
            | Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net
            | West Virginia
 7238.0   (LSB) Baja California Maritime Net dy 1500/1600
 7240.0   (LSB) American Red Cross Gulf Coast Emergency - PRIMARY
 7240.0   (LSB) Virginia - Several Nets (Alt)
 7240.0   (LSB) Texas Emergency Net
 7241.0   (LSB) Caribbean Maritime Mobile Net, St. Croix, dy 1100
           ^(7230 - 7240)
 7242.0   (LSB) S. Florida Emergency Net (Alt)
 7242.0   (LSB) Florida Mid-day Net
 7242.0   (LSB) Tropical Traffic Net
 7243.0   (LSB) Alabama Emergency Net
 7243.0   (LSB) SC Emergency Net
 7245.0   (LSB) Southern Louisiana Emergency Net
 7245.0   (LSB) NY State RACES
 7247.0   (LSB) SE US Emergency
            ^ N. Florida ARES, etc
 7248.0   (LSB) Texas RACES, Primary Tactical Freq
 7250.0   (LSB) Salvation Army SATERN  Sat 1700
 7250.0   (LSB) Belize
 7250.0   (LSB) Texas
 7254.0   (LSB) N. Florida Emergency Net
 7255.0   (LSB) Old Emergency Calling Freq
 7255.0   (LSB) East Coast Amateur Radio Svc (ECARS)
 7260.0   (LSB) West Gulf Coast Hurricane Net (Alt)
 7260.0   (LSB) Virginia Emercency Net (Alt)
 7262.0   (LSB) Maine HF Net (Alt)
 7264.0   (LSB) Gulf Coast Health & Welfare (Alt)
 7265.8   (LSB) Salvation Army SATERN (Alt) Sat 1630
 7268.0   (LSB) Waterway Net secondary/ Maritime Mobile Net
 7268.0   (LSB) Hurricane Watch Net (Night)
            ^ WX4NHC lists this as a secondary freq
 7272.0   (LSB) West PA voice nets (Alt)
 7272.5   (LSB) East PA Emergency Net (Alt)
 7273.0   (LSB) Texas ARES (Alt) use in past
 7275.0   (LSB) Georgia
 7275.0   (LSB) Vermont Emergency Net (Alt)
 7280.0   (LSB) Louisiana alternate fq in past
 7283.0   (LSB) Gulf Coast Outgoing Health & Welfare
 7285.0   (LSB) Primary Regional Daytime Frequency
            ^ West Gulf Emergency Net
            | Louisiana Emergency Net
            | Mississippi Emergency Net
            | Texas Emergency Net
            | Heavy use in Katrina
 7290.0   (LSB) Primary Regional Daytime H&W/WX Freq
            ^ Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net
            | Texas ARES (Primary Health & Welfare)
            | Louisiana ARES (Pri H&W)
            | Mississippi ARES (Pri H&W)
            | Gulf Coast Weather Net
 7294.0   (LSB) Chubasco Net dy 1530
 7299.0   (LSB) South Pacific Sailing Net  Dy 1700
 7300.0   (LSB) Delaware Emergency Net (Alt)
 7305.0   (Fax) JMH, Tokyo, weather charts at 0110 and 1910
 7348.0   FEMA
 7381.0   SHARES - US Navy MARS
 7412.0   USAF hurricane net on Eastern Test Range
 7477.0   State Emergency Management (Operation Secure)
 7475.0   Federal Aviation Administration, southeast
 7480.0   State Emergency Management (Operation Secure)
 7480.1   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
 7507.0   USCG and Navy Hurricane Warning Net, Puerto Rico
 7508.5   Federal Aviation Administration, Caribbean hurricane net
 7527.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
 7528.6   USCG Auxiliary (likely same freq as 7527)
 7540.0   SHARES - US Air Force MARS
 7550.5   Red Cross F-96 (Primary)
 7552.1   SHARES - NTA
 7602.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
 7632.0   SHARES National Coord Net (Night Pri)
 7633.6   USAF MARS phone patch net, night calling freq
 7650.0   US Army National Net ALE/USB VOICE
 7656.0   (ALE) CAP Northeast Region
 7697.0   Red Cross F-97
 7697.1   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
 7704.0   (ALE) CAP Southeast Region
 7743.0   Federal Agencies Net, Region 7 (old FHWA hwy net F-28)
 7773.5   USCG, Caribbean use
 7802.0   State Emergency Management (Operation Secure)
 7805.0   State Emergency Management (Operation Secure)
 7932.0   State Emergency Management (Operation Secure)
 7935.0   State Emergency Management (Operation Secure)
 8000.0   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
 8012.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
 8047.0   US National Guard ALE/USB VOICE
 8058.5   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
 8093.0   US Army National Guard, all regions
 8104.0   Caribbean Weather Center hurricane frequency, 0000
 8125.0   Federal Aviation Administration, east
 8137.0   Caribbean Weather Center, 1100
 8146.0   Cruiseheimer's Net (Summer alt 1)
 8152.0   Cruiseheimer's Net (Summer pri), US East Coast/ E Car, dy 1230
 8156.0   Royal Bahamas Defence Force (coast guard & police)
 8158.0   NW Caribbean Cruiser's Net, dy 1400
           ^Mexico to San Andres Island, Colombia
 8160.0   USCG, Caribbean use
 8164.0   Cruiseheimer's Net (Summer alt 2)
 8184.5   US Army Air Net ALE/USB VOICE
 8260.0   Unauthorized Caribbean marine frequency, various languages
 8291.0   Maritime calling and distress frequency
 8291.0   USCG calling/watchkeeping (Simplex)
 8294.0   Maritime simplex channel 8A
 8297.0   Maritime simplex channel 8B
 8414.5   International DSC Channel
 8416.5   (Sitor-B) USCG, Boston, MA, Atlantic WX at 0140 and 1630
 8416.5   (Sitor-B) USCG, Honolulu, HI, Pac WX at 0130, 1330, 2030
 8416.5   (Sitor-B) USCG CAMSPAC Pt. Reyes, WX at 0015 and 1800
 8459.0   (Fax) USCG, Kodiak, AK, all scheduled hours
 8502.0   (USB) USCG, New Orleans, LA, voice weather fcsts
           ^0330, 0515, 0930, 1115, 1530, 1715, 2130, 2315
 8503.9   (Fax) USCG, New Orleans, LA, all scheduled hours
 8682.0   (Fax) USCG. Pt. Reyes, all scheduled hours
 8764.0   USCG, SCN net duplex, ships call on 8240
 8764.0   USCG, Honolulu, HI, Pac WX at 0005, 0600, 1200, 1800
 8764.0   USCG, Portsmouth, VA, Atlantic WX at 0330, 0515, 0930,
           1115, 1530, 1715, 2130, and 2315
 8764.0   USCG CAMSPAC Pt. Reyes, Pac WX 0430, 1030, 1630, 2230
 8788.0   WLO traffic & weather
 8912.0   COTHEN (original net) ALE/USB VOICE
 8933.0   New York LDOC, given as sec to TEAL 66 for CNN patch
 8968.0   USAF discrete (no longer HF-GCS)
 8980.0   Tiscom (Mostly USCG use)
 8983.0   USCG Air-Ground/ Safety of Flight
          ^Seems to be less active, check COTHEN for traffic
 8992.0   USAF HF-GCS Primary
 9034.0   Tiscom (Mostly USCG use)
 9047.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
 9064.0   SHARES National Coord Net (Night Alt)
 9065.0   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
 9081.5   US Army ALE/USB VOICE
 9106.0   SHARES Coordination Network  Ch. 5 (ALE)
 9110.0   (Fax) USCG, Boston, MA, all scheduled hours
 9145.0   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
 9180.0   Mexican Navy
 9185.0   Federal Agencies Net, Region 7 (old FHWA hwy net F-31)
 9197.0   SHARES - Federal Highway Administration
 9122.5   USACE emergency use
 9380.0   USCG and US Navy Hurricane Warning Net, Puerto Rico
 9295.0   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
 9496.0   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
 9970.0   (Fax) JMH, Tokyo, weather charts at 0110 and 1910
 9982.5   (Fax) NOAA/ DoD, Honolulu, HI weather charts, night
10000.0   WWV wx h+8, 9, 10; WWVH wx h+48, 49, 50, 51
10151.5   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
10155.0   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
10162.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
10194.0   FEMA "Foxtrot-25" ALE/USB VOICE/LSB
10202.0   USAF discrete
10242.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
10305.0   USAF hurricane net on Eastern Test Range
11402.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
10493.0   National Emergency Coordination Net day primary, also
           FEMA "Foxtrot-26", and SHARES, USB/LSB
10506.0   (RTTY) CF, Halifax
10557.0   (ALE) CAP Northeast Region (w/ SW)
10586.5   SHARES - new SCN channel Xray Foxtrot
10545.0   (ALE) CAP Southeast Region
10588.0   FEMA /USCG; ALE in USB, Voice in LSB
10703.0   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
10780.0   USAF, Cape Radio, FL, and HF-GCS backup
10816.5   USCG National Net ALE/USB VOICE
10818.0   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
10891.0   SHARES - Federal Highway Administration
10935.0   USCG, others, in Caribbean disaster ops
11008.5   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
11090.0   (Fax) NOAA/ DoD, Honolulu, HI, days
11175.0   USAF, HF-GCS Primary
11181.0   USAF discrete
11196.0   Tiscom
11202.0   US Coast Guard Safety of Flight
          ^USCG has migrated much of this to COTHEN
11217.0   SHARES Co-ordination Network  Ch-6 (ALE)
11220.0   USAF discrete
11226.0   USAF discrete
11230.0   British military, relief use in Bahamas
11246.0   USAF discrete
11342.0   New York LDOC
11402.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
11451.0   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
11494.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
12081.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
12087.0   National Guard Net ALE/USB VOICE
12163.5   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
12178.7   Federal Agencies Net, Region 7 (old FHWA hwy net F-41)
12216.0   FEMA
12218.0   (ALE) CAP Northeast Region (w/ SW)
12222.0   COTHEN
12225.0   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
12290.0   Maritime calling and distress frequency
12290.0   USCG calling/watchkeeping (Simplex)
12350.0   Caribbean Weather Center, 1300
12353.0   Maritime simplex channel 12A
12356.0   Maritime simplex channel 12B
12359.0   Maritime simplex channel 12C
12362.0   Maritime simplex channel 12D
12365.0   Maritime simplex channel 12E
12412.5   (Fax) USCG, Kodiak, AK, all scheduled hours
12577.0   International DSC Channel
12579.0   (Sitor-B) USCG, Boston, MA, Atlantic WX at 0140 and 1630
12579.0   (Sitor-B) USCG, Honolulu, HI, Pac WX
12786.0   (Fax) USCG CAMSPAC Pt, Reyes, CA, all sched. hours
12750.0   (Fax) USCG, Boston, MA, day
12753.0   (Fax) CF, Victoria, BC, 0245, 1025, 1515, and 2115
12788.0   (USB) USCG, New Orleans, LA, voice weather fcsts
           ^0330, 0515, 0930, 1115, 1530, 1715, 2130, 2315
12789.9   (Fax) USCG, New Orleans, LA, all scheduled hours
13089.0   USCG, SCN net duplex, ships call on 12242
13089.0   USCG, Guam, Pacific WX at 0330 and 2130
13089.0   USCG, Honolulu, HI, Pacific WX at 0005 and 1800
13089.0   USCG, Portsmouth, VA, Atlantic WX at 1115, 1530, 1715,
           2130, and 2315
13089.0   USCG CAMSPAC Pt Reyes, Pac WX at 0430, 1030, 1630, 2230
13110.0   WLO traffic & weather
13200.0   USAF, HF-GCS Primary
13204.0   USAF discrete
13221.0   Tiscom
13242.0   SHARES Co-ordination Network  Ch-10
13245.0   Antigua and Antilles inter-island net
13270.0   NOAA a/c per John Winward
13312.0   COTHEN
13415.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
13434.0   Federal Agencies Net, Region 7 (old FHWA hwy net F-42)
13446.0   FEMA "Foxtrot-36" various modes
13457.0   SHARES primary - also Federal Aviation Administration
13626.0   Federal Aviation Administration, Gulf
13630.0   Federal Aviation Administration, west
13907.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
13910.5   US Army MARS emergency net
13927.0   USAF MARS calling & phone patch primary, some TEAL use
13977.0   USAF MARS phone patch net, administrative (Sun 1600)
13956.0   FEMA "Foxtrot-48", some NECN use (USB/LSB)
13960.0   USAF discrete
13993.0   SHARES - USAF MARS
13996.0   SHARES - US Army MARS primary guard fq
13997.0   (Fax) JMH, Tokyo, weather charts at 0110 and 1910
14118.0   'Le Reseau Du Capitaine' Net. Montreal, Canada.
           ^Most operators bilingual FF/EE, covers Atlantic,
           |Pacific, Caribbean for WX and emergency tfc,
           |dy 1100 & 2230
14121.0   Mississauga Maritime Mobile Net
           ^Covers Europe, Med, Atlantic, Caribbean and Central
           |America, dy 1245
14185.0   Caribbean emergency frequency
14215.0   Pacific Inter-island Net (Alt)
14235.0   Pan-American Health Net
14260.0   UN Net
14265.0   Salvation Army SATERN Net Primary M-F 1400
14268.0   UN Radio Readiness Group
14270.0   Red Cross Net
14275.0   Now primarily a DX/Contest fq, though still listed Bermuda Net
14283.0   Friendly Caribus Connection ("FCC;" a Caribbean net)
14283.0   UN Relief Net
14293.0   Red Cross use
14300.0   Maritime Mobile Service Net  Dy 1600
           ^Atlantic fm. Cape Town to Greenland, E. Pacific,
           |Gulf. Dy 1600-0200 summer, 1700-0200 winter.
14300.0   US Coast Guard Amateur Radio Net  S 1600/1700
14300.0   Maritime Mobile Service Net (daily)
14300.0   Intercontinental Net
14303.0   ARRL International Assistance & Traffic Net
14310.0   Maritime Emergency Net dy 0400
14313.0   Maritime Mobile Service Net Alternate-1
14313.0   US Coast Guard Amateur Radio Net  S 1600
14315.0   Pacific Interisland Net  Dy 0800
14315.0   Pacific Islands Disaster Net  First Sun, 0100
14325.0   Hurricane Watch Net, primary fq, amateur and govt,
14327.0   US Coast Guard Amateur Radio Net  S 1700/1800
14340.0   California-Hawaii Net M-F 1700
14340.0   Maritime Emergency Net dy 0400 & 1800
14340.0   Manana (Baja) Net  M-Sat 1900
14357.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
14360.0   (ALE) US Federal NS/EP
14383.5   SHARES - US Navy MARS
14389.0   USAF MARS calling & phone patch secondary
14390.5   MARS disaster operations
14391.5   US Navy MARS
14396.5   SHARES National Coord Net (Day Primary),
           also old National Communications System
           primary, all 23 agencies
14450.0   FEMA "Foxtrot-41"
14455.0   SHARES National Coord Net (Day Alt)
14493.5   SHARES - Federal Bureau of Investigation
14567.0   FEMA "Foxtrot-39," NECN primary in past
14582.0   COTHEN
14606.0   USAF MARS Phone Patch Net
14653.0   US National Guard Net ALE/USB VOICE
14757.0   US Army Net ALE/USB VOICE
14776.0   FEMA
14836.0   FEMA "Foxtrot-43"
14898.5   SHARES Voice Alternate
14914.0   (ALE) CAP Northeast Region
15000.0   WWV wx h+8, 9, 10; WWVH wx h+48, 49, 50, 51
15016.0   USAF HF-GCS Primary
15082.0   Tiscom
15088.0   USCG Air-Ground safety of flight
          ^Seems to be less active, check COTHEN for traffic
15094.0   SHARES Coordination Network  Ch. 7 (ALE)
15602.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
15867.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
16086.5   (Sitor-B) UCCG CAMSPAC MSI
16120.0   (ALE) US Army National Guard tactical op centers
16135.0   (Fax) US DoD, Honolulu, HI, all scheduled hours
16338.5   National Guard Net ALE/USB VOICE
16348.0   Federal Aviation Administration
16420.0   Maritime calling and distress frequency
16525.0   Caribbean Weather Center, 1320
16528.0   Maritime simplex channel 16A
16531.0   Maritime simplex channel 16B
16534.0   Maritime simplex channel 16C
16804.5   DSC
16806.5   (Sitor-B) USCG, Boston, MA, Atlantic WX at 1630
16806.5   (Sitor-B) USCG, Kodiak, AK, Pacific WX at 1500
16806.5   (Sitor-B) USCG CAMSPAC Pt Reyes, Pac WX
17146.4   (Fax) USCG NMG New Orleans, Tropical WX 1715
17151.2   (Fax) USCG CAMSPAC Pt. Reyes, CA, all scheduled hours
17314.0   USCG, duplex, ships call on 16432
17314.0   USCG, Portsmouth, VA, Atlantic WX 1715
17314.0   USCG. Pt. Reyes, CA, Pacific WX at 1630 and 2230
17362.0   WLO traffic & weather
17412.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
17487.0   SHARES Coordination Network  Ch. 8 (ALE)
17988.0   Tiscom
18205.0   (ALE) CAP Southeast Region
18220.0   (Fax) JMH, Tokyo, weather charts at 0110 and 1910
18594.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
18617.0   USAF MARS Phone Patch Net
18825.0   Maritime simplex channel 18A
18828.0   Maritime simplex channel 18B
18831.0   Maritime simplex channel 18C
18834.0   Maritime simplex channel 18D
18837.0   Maritime simplex channel 18E
18840.0   Maritime simplex channel 18F
18843.0   Maritime simplex channel 18G
18889.5   (Sitor-A) FEMA, maritime channel 39
19290.0   Unk. Federal
19680.5   (Sitor-B) International marine safety information
19757.0   Maritime channel 1802, FEMA hrd. here
20000.0   WWV wx h+8, 9, 10
20107.0   SHARES Coordination Network  Ch. 7
20135.5   Tiscom
20390.0   USAF Cape Radio Secondary, HF-GCS backup
20890.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
20992.6   USAF MARS phone patch net
21400.0   Transatlantic net (amateur)
21402.0   Pacific Maritime Net  Dy 2200 (amateur)
22159.0   Maritime simplex channel 22A
22162.0   Maritime simplex channel 22B
22165.0   Maritime simplex channel 22C
22168.0   Maritime simplex channel 22D
22171.0   Maritime simplex channel 22E
22376.0   International Sitor MSI frequency
22376.0   (Sitor-B) USCG, Guam, WX 0500, 1500, 1900, 2315
21390.0   Inter-Americas Net
21400.0   Atlantic Maritime Net
22527.0   (Fax) USCG CAMSPAC Pt. Reyes, day
22804.0   WLO traffic & weather
23072.6   Tiscom
23214.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
23331.5   (Fax)US DoD Honolulu, HI, days
25350.0   (ALE/USB VOICE) COTHEN (original net)
25354.0   (ALE) CAP National Command
26100.5   International Sitor MSI frequency
26812.0   SHARES Coordination Network  Ch. 8